Danielle in Africa
This is my way to share with you what God is doing in my life and in Niger, Africa among the Sokoto Fulani
Saturday, November 26, 2005
A Very Busy Two Weeks
After I posted last, things did pick up a notch! My supervisor arrived with the new personnel and we got busy taking them to the villages in which they will be living. Then, after they were set up for language class I spent three consecutive days and nights in my villages to make plans for a volunteer optometrist to visit.
The doctor's visit was a first for me! It was a good first opportunity to learn a little about how the dynamic changes in a village when volunteers are brought in. The first day we went to Village R and only three people came to see the doctor. I struggled a little with my own culture clash, because when we saw that not many people would be needing glasses we decided to gather the people and talk about how to keep their eyes clean and avoid getting eye infections. I really wanted all the people there to hear what was going on! I tried to gather them all in one place, and got frustrated when they were not listening to what was being said. I realised shortly thereafter that I needed to let God’s Spirit work and not try to do it myself. The doctor and I debriefed it later, helping me to realize ways in which I could do things differently in the future. He was a great encouragement!
The following days brought different results. In Konni we saw roughly 55 people but were asked to hold another day due to the high need of and interest in prescription glasses. In Village D we were able to make lots of headway in relation with the chief. While the doctor was treating the patients, the girls and I were outside building relationships with the women and children. We played games, pounded in various households, met new friends and got to foster old relationships. This part of the village is further away from the home in which I am a guest so I do not often get to visit with these women. This gave us just the opportunity. Now, I have an open door to come visit the Chief’s home and the others surrounding it whenever I am able. I think God is seating village D deeper and deeper in my heart as a place of long term ministry for me.
In total, we spent those four days going 100 miles an hour fitting 168 people with prescription glasses and handing out 90 pairs of sun glasses. It was a crazy week.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
It's already Wednesday... sigh
I am here in my town again for three weeks. Things have been rather slow this trip. I think the enemy is trying to keep me here in my house, rather than in the villages where I can do my ministry. And so far, his oppression has worked. When I arrived I was so tired from the bus ride that I had to sleep. Then, there was a problem with the electricity meter and I had to spend the second day working with the electric company. Now, a valve broke in the water pipe and I am spending today watching the plumber do his work. I would love to be in the villages already, but now I have to wait. It is already Wednesday. sigh...