Danielle in Africa

This is my way to share with you what God is doing in my life and in Niger, Africa among the Sokoto Fulani

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dust, dust everywhere and not a drop to...oh wait!

Experiencing harmattan last year was not enough preparation for the crazy weather patterns we saw this year. See this picture? It was taken by my good friends in Niamey last week. Would you believe that it is the 9 o�clock sun trying unsuccessfully to break through the dense dust that is everywhere? The dust has cooled things down well, but the eeriness of noon that looks like a dusky 6 o�clock sky is overwhelming.

My mom flew away from Niger at 6 am Monday morning, and should arrive back home sometime very early Wednesday. It was wonderful to have her here, but I know that by the time she left she was ready to go home. I loved having her here to experience part of my life, introducing her to my friends, and seeing her interact with everyone with whom we came into contact. It was neat to see the welcome she was extended in the Fulani villages and the respect she was given by everyone. She was called �mother� by everyone she met.

The highlight of the trip for me was one evening visiting with my friends, Maman* and Fati* in Niamey (*names changed). That day we went to their home to visit them and were warmly greeted. Then, after a bit of conversation the husband asked if he could bring his wife and children over that evening to visit us and asked specifically if my Mom would pray for him and his family. What an honor that was! It took three attempts for us to finally meet up with them that evening, but when we did I got to witness my mom being used by God, praying for God�s blessing on a Fulani family in Niger. It was such a special moment. My mom commented that she thought he could have chosen a more able person to pray, but I think that God knew exactly who He wanted to use!

Tomorrow I am headed out to my town and will be soon back in my villages. I am hoping to get some teaching time before the volunteers come from Maryland in February to continue the ministry. They will be doing discipleship and Bible teaching as their ministry grows among the Fulani.

This week I would appreciate your focused prayer on Rabi* and Belo* in Village D who both have made decisions to follow Jesus. They are not from the same family or social groups but I know one day they will worship God side by side. Please pray that they would be challenged to grow in their faith and empowered to share by the Holy Spirit who equips us to accomplish His will.

Secondly, I ask you to remember Maman* and Fati* my friends in Niamey. They are seeking the truth. Please join with us in prayer that God would confirm some things they have already learned and also give them the courage to step out of such a binding tradition of beliefs.

And last, but not least, the bittersweet countdown to my departure has begun. In less than three months I will be returning home to Florida. Please pray that these last three months would be manageable, emotionally and physically and that I would be productive and obedient to all the things that God asks me to do. My ongoing prayer is that I would be given the opportunity to share my faith wherever God asks me to go and be His ambassador among all peoples.

You are very dear to me! Thanks for holding the ropes!





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