Danielle in Africa

This is my way to share with you what God is doing in my life and in Niger, Africa among the Sokoto Fulani

Saturday, April 07, 2007

When the temp changes 80 degrees, you notice.

So, here I am, waking up and having breakfast in Queens, New York. I
didn't get to blog before I left because we were too busy having fun
getting ready and saying goodbyes.

I am still in a state of denial that I'm actually leaving..even as I pack
and prepare to leave. This place and these people have become my home and
I eagerly look forward to the day that I return. A jman friend once wrote
that Gd is the Alpha and the Omega... and as sure as He called me to begin
this journey He has also given me clear direction that this is the end of
this portion of my journey. As He closes this door He is preparing the way
for another door to open in America. Yet still my heart longs to be here.
During the past several weeks I have really thought about why I want to
return to this region of the world. What is it that continues to draw me?

I don't know the answer to that question yet. It is one that I will be
praying through asa this next journey begins.

My last days in Niger were filled with many joyous times as my Bon Voyage
party was a true FIESTA. We made a giraffe-shaped pinata, had games about
fun memories that we shared, ate lots of mexican food and even danced a
little salsa and merengue. Tara and Seng threw a great party and I am so
thankful to my mission family and friends for coming and making it such a
special time.

Then, we didn't sleep because we needed to leave for the airport at 2 am.
So for the next 46 hours I was awake, in an airplane, airport, car,
subway, restaurant, and the Rockefeller center.

We spent our first night in America in 32 degree weather. That's an 80
degree drop in 48 hours. We went shopping for warm clothes, shoes and then
went into NYC to see the lights of the city from the Top of the Rock. It
was pretty amazing to see the lights of the city! We were freezing, but it
was still so worth it.

Today we are heading into the city again, ready to see some more sights
before I get to go home to Florida. As I type this my countdown says 31
hours. How exciting is that!!!!!!

Thank you for being with me through all my adventures. I would not be the
person I am without the Father's direction and your intercession.


Blogger Deron and Mary Beth Meilstrup said...


Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you as you transition back to life in America. We love you and miss you and look forward to seeing you back in WEST AFRICA at some point!

MB & Deron

3:35 PM  

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