Danielle in Africa

This is my way to share with you what God is doing in my life and in Niger, Africa among the Sokoto Fulani

Monday, August 01, 2005

Niger famine is not just news

I think by now you may have heard that the famine here in Niger is getting international media attention. Many famine relief teams are coming into the country to help those affected. We have been blessed to host one such team, Humedica, a medical relief team from Germany. They will be supplying food aid for some villages and I am so excited. Please pray for their attempts because in one village they had to leave before treating all the people because the people were pushing, fighting and hurting one another out of desperation to have a doctor see them. They said that people were even putting their babies through the windows of the building to make them get seen.

The team is trying to organize a system to ensure that everyone gets treatment and order is kept to keep everyone safe. This will be a difficult task. There are four guys, Michael, Stefan, Manuel and Rolf and they are working with Jacouba, a local pastor.

Here in the capital we are quite separated from the intense need of those in the bush. I am really glad to be heading out with the team on Tuesday, August 2 to a few villages north of Ouallam. (1.5 hrs from Niamey) They will be setting up a medical clinic with supplemental food to help malnourished children. I am glad to be able to help, the little bit that I can.


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